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Moon/Comet Room

Ages 3 to 5 years
8 to 1 child to teacher ratio

Moon/Comet Room

Preschoolers are dynamic and on the move, they are interested in learning more about their world and how they as individuals fit into it. Moon/Comet roomers are at the stage in which they initiate; they benefit most from an environment in which they can explore and pursue activities that they select on their own. Curriculum for this age group must be exciting and challenging, yet supportive of each child’s own needs, interests and learning style. The Moon/Comet Room is well organized, with areas set aside for reading, quiet time, artistic expression, pets, table toys, dramatic play, working with tools, games, puzzles and writing. The environment is arranged to promote independence, foster decision-making, and encourage initiative and involvement. The daily schedule provides the framework for the day’s events.

Active and quiet periods are balanced throughout the day. Because three to five year olds can become quite involved in an activity, large stretches of time are set aside for self selected activities and use of the gym, hallway and climber areas. Group time occurs before lunch. During this time story telling, song singing, and room meetings happen. Moon/Comet roomers enjoy taking walks around the block and to the UW campus, long hikes through the Cowen Park ravine, playing at neighborhood parks, and going on field trips.

Cooperative Children's Center

P:206-522-5388 E:

A:5315 Roosevelt Way NE. Seattle, WA 98105

H:7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., M-F

© Copyright  Cooperative Children's Center

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